I know there have been similar questions to this one asked previously, but I'm struggling to apply those solutions here.
I have a script which places images in to two separate groups based on the image resolution. Now I want to compare part of the camera.label of the images in these two groups and if there's a match I'll apply a scalebar between the two cameras.
The script is working, apart from the section which compares the camera.label of the images in the two groups.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
def generate_point_cloud(input_dir, output_dir, calibration_pathA, calibration_pathB, scale):
print("Script started")
doc = PhotoScan.app.document
doc.save(os.path.join(output_dir, "projectGenerated.psx"))
chunk = doc.addChunk()
chunk.label = "New Chunk"
Distance = scale
#Create a list to store the image paths
image_list = list()
#Read the image paths from the .txt file. Strip off the \n using s.strip()
f = open(input_dir, "r")
image_list = f.readlines()
image_list = map(lambda s: s.strip(), image_list)
#Create two camera groups within the main chunk. One for the HD images and one for the UHD images
HD = chunk.addCameraGroup()
HD.label = "HD"
UHD = chunk.addCameraGroup()
UHD.label = "UHD"
#Create two camera calibration files for each image set
calibs = dict()
calibs["HD"] = PhotoScan.Calibration()
calibs["UHD"] = PhotoScan.Calibration()
calibs["HD"].load(calibrationA, "xml")
calibs["UHD"].load(calibrationB, "xml")
#Create two sensors for the two image sizes
sensors = dict()
sensors["HD"] = chunk.addSensor()
sensors["UHD"] = chunk.addSensor()
sensors["HD"].label = "HD"
sensors["UHD"].label = "UHD"
#Add the photos to the project Chunk
print("no cameras ", len(chunk.cameras))
#Place the UHD images in the UHD group and assign the calibration file for that camera. Assign HD images to HD group
#and assign the camera calibration file for those images.
for camera in chunk.cameras:
if camera.sensor.width == 2048:
camera.group = HD
camera.sensor = sensors["HD"]
elif camera.sensor.width == 4096:
camera.group = UHD
camera.sensor = sensors["UHD"]
for sensor in sensors.keys():
calib = calibs[sensor]
sensors[sensor].width = calib.width
sensors[sensor].height = calib.height
sensors[sensor].type = calib.type
sensors[sensor].user_calib = calib
sensors[sensor].fixed = True
#align photos
chunk.loadReferenceExif(load_rotation=False, load_accuracy=False)
chunk.matchPhotos(accuracy = PhotoScan.HighAccuracy, preselection = PhotoScan.Preselection.GenericPreselection, filter_mask = False, keypoint_limit = 50000)
print("aligning ", len(chunk.cameras), " images")
chunk.alignCameras() # instead of alignPhotos
chunk.buildDenseCloud(quality = PhotoScan.LowQuality, filter = PhotoScan.AggressiveFiltering)
for camera in chunk.cameras:
#if camera.label[0:26] == the camera.label of any of the other camera labels
# sb = chunk.addScalebar(camera, other_camera)
sb.reference.distance = float(Distance)
chunk.exportCameras(os.path.join(output_dir, "cameras.xml"))
chunk.exportPoints(path=os.path.join(output_dir, "points.xyz"))
#doc.save(path = project_path)
doc.save(os.path.join(output_dir, "projectGenerated.psx"))
print("Script finished")
return 1