I have access to metashape pro and was hoping if I could get some help with a few issues I've had since I've started. I'll try and upload photos to go along with this. I'm using a Google pixel 2 with focus and contrast lock to take my photos, and a custom built pc with an i5 and an AMD Radeon R9 390 series as my PC.
Firstly, I've watched many videos on using this software and have found that the meshes and dense clouds people are producing are much more complete while mine have been very broken up and contain lots of holes. I'm on my fourth try now and my results have improved each time but I still feel like I'm doing something fundamentally wrong.
Secondly, my GPU does not appear in my GPU selection preferences, I'll post a photo of what it looks like along with this. I'm assuming this has affected my end result in some way.
Thank you for your time to anyone that can help. I know I probably need better photography equipment but I'm trying to get the best results with what I have right now. I also want to note that I have experience in zbrush and blender, and while I'm just focusing on objects right now I'd like to move on to larger landscapes about an acre to 2 acres in size.
If you'd like access to any of my files please let me know and I'll see what I can do.