I'm using Agisoft Photoscan Pro v1.4.4 to process a series of scanned analog aerial images. While I don't have camera position information at my disposal, I do have ground control points. I've been able to run through the normal workflow involving alignment, ground control points, DEMs, and orthophoto/mosaic generation without any issues.
I would like to be able to output projected/georeferenced (first order transformation) versions of the original images after they have been aligned and marked with GCPs but before they have been orthorectified. Essentially, I'd like to effectively georeference multiple images at once without orthorectification.
I'm wondering if this is as simple as creating my own "dummy" DEM outside of Photoscan that contains no relief, importing that DEM into Photoscan, and then running the orthomosaic function. Any thoughts or suggestions of more optimal ways of doing this?