Hello Alexey,
Thank you for the reply.
I copied metashape.lic
because I'm using trial version and don't know my trial key.
Metashape.app.activated became True.
However, I was not able to save model.
My current objective is to save model as like ply in script.
It should be posted as another topic?
Also, I seems strange that Metashape.app.document returns None.
>>> import Metashape
>>> print(Metashape.app.activated)
>>> doc = Metashape.app.document
>>> print(doc)
>>> doc = Metashape.Document()
>>> doc.open("test.psx")
>>> print(doc)
<Document 'path_to_file/test.psx'>
>>> chunk = doc.chunk
>>> chunk.matchPhotos(accuracy=Metashape.HighAccuracy, generic_preselection=True, reference_preselection=False)
>>> chunk.alignCameras()
>>> point_cloud = chunk.point_cloud
>>> print(point_cloud)
<PointCloud '12580 points'>
>>> print(chunk)
<Chunk 'Chunk 1'>
>>> chunk.exportModel("test.ply", binary=True, texture_format=Metashape.ImageFormatJPEG, texture=True, normals=False, colors=False, cameras=False, markers=False, format=Metashape.ModelFormatPLY)
Exception Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-38b20b4982fc> in <module>
----> 1 chunk.exportModel("test.ply", binary=True, texture_format=Metashape.ImageFormatJPEG, texture=True, normals=False, colors=False, cameras=False, markers=False, format=Metashape.ModelFormatPLY)
Exception: Null model
Best regards,