I've got an issue at the moment while generating a mesh with Depth maps, during 'Estimating Surface'. For the first part (around 25%) both CPU and GPU perform tasks like this:
[GPU 1] 16 Parts 21-36/6770...
[GPU 1] Initializing octree...
[GPU 1] Initializing histograms...
[CPU 2] Initializing...
[CPU 2] Iterating...
[GPU 1] Initializing...
[GPU 1] Iterating...
After the 25%, the GPU is no longer in the picture and the time to complete keeps jumping:
[CPU 2] 2 Parts 682-683/6770...
[CPU 2] Initializing octree...
[CPU 2] Initializing histograms...
[CPU 2] Initializing...
[CPU 2] Iterating...
[CPU 2] Updating result...
[CPU 2] Part done in 400.562 sec
If i calculate by hand it would be around 10 days.. to fully complete.
I use 1.5.3. 412 aligned 24 Mpix photos. 11 GB Video Ram, 64 RAM and around 200GB virtual mem on SSD's.
Other comparable scans in terms of amount of complexity and amount of photos did not have this issue.
Any idea what could cause this?