Hi Paulo,
Yes, the dimensions are approximately 24cm by 24cm with a focal length of 153mm.
I have the initial camera calibration attached below. I input the focal length manually (when the pictures were first uploaded, if was “unknown”) and then ran optimization, but otherwise, all of the values are the same.
I’m not sure if I’m allowed to send the imagery. I’ve attached a screenshot of one of the NAIP photos with the fiduciary. If you need more than that, let me know, and I will check with my research professor. There may be a problem with the focal length of the images. According to the camera type, the focal length is 153.814mm, but under properties it says the focal length is 35mm. Could this be the issue? I’ve ran optimization under both focal length and it came back bowl-shaped both times.
Regarding the fiduciary, it was recommended to me that I remove them, so I batch trimmed the fiduciary off of all of the photos in Photoshop. This should have also ensured that the images were all the same size relative to the center. Then, I converted the coordinates to easting and northing to match the geoid I am using and converted the drone height from feet to meters, then imported these coordinates into the system for camera coordinates. In short, the fiduciary was taken off, so the fiducial marks were not referenced.