I've seen in API changelog " Added Model.getActiveTexture() and Model.setActiveTexture()" methods.
I would like to switch programmatically between the different textures in order to make a capture of the textured model view for each of them.
Here's my code:
tex = Metashape.app.document.chunk.model.textures
num = 0
for i in tex:
Capture = Metashape.app.captureModelView(width = 1114, height = 763, transparent = (True), hide_items = (True), source = Metashape.DataSource.ModelData, mode = Metashape.ModelViewMode.TexturedModelView)
Cap = Metashape.Image(Capture.width, Capture.height, "RGBA", "U8")
num +=1
But unfortunately it dosen't change the texture type of the model...
Any ideas please?