Hi guys,
I wont be commenting on your conversation as it is well beyond my level of expertise but I do have more information based around my original question...
For a particular data set I am testing with at the moment when I export the sparse point cloud in xyz, straight after aligning photos, the output file size is around 200mb and contains about 4.5 million points, large but within reason. After running build geometry and exporting the dense point cloud (also xyz) the file size was around 40gb, no idea how many points this must contain! 40gb is no use to anybody as I don't know of any programs that would handle a file of that size. I built the geometry with a limit of 2 million faces as I thought this would produce a smaller (more realistic) output file size. Hopefully you can understand where I am coming from. If build geometry doesn't improve the accuracy of the individual sparse point cloud points then I don't see the need to complete the build geometry stage?? As the sparse point cloud, one post-processed through other software packages, seems to be delivering satisfactory results.
I am using a UAV (MAVinci) to perform aerial mapping over areas up to 70ha with a GSD of ~2.3cm, approximately 1000+ images, 75% overlap and 10 GCP's with accuracy's known to around the 30mm mark (RTK GPS). I am requiring the finished product to be good for around the +-150mm and that is what I seem to be getting with the sparse point cloud. I am mapping mining areas in Australia so don't need every bump and lump to be modeled, I just need a reasonably accurate model of a large area for volume calculation purposes etc.
Am I missing something here completely or is what I have determined correct?