
Author Topic: Including Altitude Information on Orthomosaic Export  (Read 2174 times)


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Including Altitude Information on Orthomosaic Export
« on: November 26, 2019, 02:11:36 PM »

I am workin now for a while with Agisoft and finally i have created an account. I have to say that this Forum is a great source for additional Information and it helped me many times. Now i have to question somethin by myself, because i didnt find an answer for my question.

For my actual project i need an orthomosaic which oncludes the altitude information from the DEM.

Is it possible to export a orthomosaic of the complete survey area as a TIFF file, which includes besides the RGB + Alpha-Channel information also the elevation/altitude for each pixel? Orthomosaic was generated using the DEM.
And if not: Do you know any other option to generate a TIFF orthomosaic with altitude information (Mayhe with GIS - Software - I use ArcGIs / SAGA Gis). For example export DEM & orthomosaic separate with the same resolution (0,05m) for each pixel as a TIFF and combine these information with a software?

There was a similar Topic two years ago but there was given no answer:

Thanks for the help!  :)

Best regards