Hi there
you can try with another workflow ( it's the one I use )
Take pictures of your patern with a flash, always perpendicular to your subject. ( a cloudy day without flash is better )
Then use metashape to create an orthophoto which will be your diffuse map
Put it into photoshop to select the best part and make it tilable
Use materialize to create all your maps ( normal, metallic, AO, ... )
From my own experience its the best way
It looks strange to use RTI process because you can bake your textures with most of 3D modeling programs ( Blender can do it )
Other thing, if you create this for 3D model viewing ( like sketchfab ) 8k texture is good enough, and make sure that the algorithm which stitch your pictures to a 160mpx pictures don't create artefact.
As I said, from my own experience, taking 7x24mpx pic and an orthophoto from them looks always better than algorithmic big pictures ( A7RIV, S1R, .. )