I've been trying to import the extrinsics (intrinsics works fine) of a camera rig which we calibrate externally, using a python script. However, my attempt shown below does not seem to have any effect on the output. Is there something I'm missing here? I've tried a few things, setting the location_accuracy etc... nothing seems to have much effect? Any tips on how to achieve this?
for camera, sensor in zip (calib['cameras'], chunk.sensors):
sensor_calib = import_calibration(camera)
sensor.user_calib = sensor_calib
sensor.fixed_rotation = False
sensor.fixed_location = False
if 'location' in camera and 'rotation' in camera:
sensor.reference.location = camera['location']
sensor.reference.location_enabled = True
#sensor.reference.rotation = Metashape.utils.mat2ypr(Metashape.Matrix(camera['rotation']))
#sensor.reference.rotation_enabled = True