Hi everybody,
currently we are working on a project where we are taking images with a Tetracam MCAW
which is mounted on a UAV. To process the images and to create an orthomosaic, which is what we are aiming for,
we do an alignment by ourself. Afterwards we are loading these images into
metashape and run through the standard workflow.
As the orthomosaic output has artifacts for several bands (see attachment 1) and we are assuming, that
these are due to noData values within some bands, our question is, if
there is a way to flag noData values when importing or processing these images, either by python scripting or within
the GUI, such that they are not taken into account for the processing steps?
Furthermore, when we just follow the workflow without the prealignment, we get some line structures along the trees (see attachment 2, hole filling is disabled and orthomosaic was computed on basis of the DEM, which was as well processed without interpolations ).
The overlap of the images should be sufficient though. Any suggestions to this issue?
If someone could help with this issue, it would be great.
Kind regards