I have a set of 18 aerial photos in a line with 90% overlap.
When trying to align all of them at once, I get an alignment failed error, and only the first 2/18 align. This happens even if I retry several times. I have also tried renaming and loading the cameras so that they are in a different order in the chunk, but same results.
If I remove the first 2 images and run the alignment, all 16/16 align. The first 2 images are most dissimilar to the rest, as a large cloud shadow covers them.
I need to find a way to automate this process so that I can have a rule to determine when to remove photos from the alignment.
Ideally I would be able to juggle the included photos such that I can get the best results for each set of 20 photos (lowest total chunk error, most photos included).
Do you have any idea what criteria I should base this on?