
Author Topic: Most efficient way to ensure High Accuracy alignment?  (Read 2369 times)


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Most efficient way to ensure High Accuracy alignment?
« on: January 15, 2020, 08:15:35 PM »
I have a set of 20-40 aerial photos (in a line, ~90% overlap), with excellent GPS data.

I have run the alignment > mesh > orthomosaic workflow on them several times.
Settings are "High Accuracy" alignment > "Low Face Count" mesh > orthomosaic.

I am trying to figure out the most efficient way to get a high accuracy orthomosaic. I'm comparing my results to google maps to check accuracy (I don't know if they are perfect either, but so far it's been a good reference point).

At the moment, if I use only the first 20 photos, my total Chunk Error is showing as ~7m. I have tried rerunning alignment several times and still it sticks around there, even with "Highest" accuracy marked. When I look at the orthomosaic, it is clear that along a coastline that is in the image, it is not doing that good of a job aligning.

However, if I align all 40 photos, and then export the orthomosaic for the area of the first 20, the orthomosaic looks great and aligns perfectly on the coastline. It also has a total Chunk Error of ~0.6m.

I thought this might mean including a slightly larger area would be good for alignment (despite increased processing time), but later on in my dataset it actually produces worse results if I include more points for alignment that aren't quite in my reference chunk.

Do you have any recommendation for an efficient process to get high accuracy orthomosaics???
1) Should I be including additional cameras that are just outside of my orthomosaic bounds to improve the quality of the orthomosaic?
2) Is a low face count mesh the right choice for an orthomosaic, or should I adjust this?
3) Are there any other default settings I should be editing to increase the quality of the orthomosaic output?


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Re: Most efficient way to ensure High Accuracy alignment?
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2020, 12:06:19 AM »
I'm thinking now I was skipping a few very important steps.

1) Optimize cameras: It looks like every time I run this, my total chunk error gets closer to 0. Is it really just that I should run this a few times? It seems almost too "easy", as it takes no time at all and greatly improves the results, is there any reason this isn't done by default???