
Author Topic: Create Dummy Geographic Coordinates to Maintain Scale when Exporting  (Read 2524 times)


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Hello Agisoft Community,

I am creating 3D models of 1 meter sites to analyze in ArcGIS. My camera input did not include GPS coordinates, but I used a quadrat of known size (1 meter) to mark my plots for photogrammetry. I placed markers on each corner of the 1 meter quadrat and added scalebars to denote the known lengths. Exported models and DEM files from this method do not retain their scaling.

Is it possible to input dummy coordinates to convert my GCP from local x y z to geographic coordinates (any coordinate system would suffice) to maintain my scaling? Or is there another way to ensure scaling doesn't get lost in DEM / model export?

Note: I would like to analyze my models at the highest resolution possible.

Thanks for the support!

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Create Dummy Geographic Coordinates to Maintain Scale when Exporting
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2020, 10:23:24 PM »
Hello aaae1112,

If you have referenced the model in some local coordinate system, then the generated DEM will be in that system. If you know the angles between the scalebar vectors, you can calculate the XY coordinates for each marker.

But if you wish to make a pseudo-georeferencing, I think you can use corresponding UTM projection and add the same offsets on X and Y to all the reference points used. For the offset value you can use some point close to your scene (for example, get its coordinate from Google Earth and convert to UTM projection).
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC