Hello folks,
one more question from my side for texture building workflows:
I want to have the task "Texture type"(ao,normal occlusion) and "source data" in my batch processing workflow.
I'm blind or there is only a manual walkthrough? Can't find it in the batch options...
What I exactly plan to do is in theory following: 1.Build highres mesh like 500mio polygons from depth
2. bake textures from this hq mesh to normal and ao - to get the detailed mesh informations
3. decimate mesh to 99mio for better handling (keep uvs)
4. get hopefully a 99mio mesh with normal/occlussion maps from the 500mio poly mesh (source data thing?)
I read in the manual that should be possible:
Source dataImages - allow to build a color texture map (diffuse map) based on the aligned images of the model
or transferred from another model with already generated color texture map.
3D model !: - the normal and occlusion texture maps can be built based on another model and the
relief of the model specified in the Source data field will be transferred to the current model. Usually
it is recommended to use the more detailed model as a source data for the Normal and Occlusion map
generation for the 3D model with the lower polygon count. Normal map option will not be available
in the Source data field, if less than two 3D model instances are present in the active chunk."How I can realize it with a batch workflow? possible?
(using standard edition)
Thanks in advance!
