Hello there,
Sorry if these topic has already been discussed before. I´m a new user of Agisoft and I´m having doubts regarding to Camera Optimization and Gradual Selection.
I´m Processing 225 photos in Agisoft 1.5.2., I´ve already aligned and adjusted them through 10 Ground Control Points measured in RTK using a GNSS Receiver.
In order to get Projection Error values under 0.025 m and 0.5 pix I perfomed Gradual Selections and Re-Optimized the model. I noticed that the range of covariance Matriz and also the number of points in the Sparse cloud changed when I optimized.
I am wondering if there is an ideal covariance interval to obtain good result? Do the number of points in my sparse cloud have any influence in the final result?
Thank you in advance.
Edilson Matiquite