
Author Topic: Multi-camera system only showing one band  (Read 4784 times)


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Multi-camera system only showing one band
« on: May 26, 2020, 11:14:02 AM »
We have a dual-camera setup (monochrome cameras), and have created a main folder with two subfolders each containing images from one camera, and the file names are "Trigger-557-1.tif, Trigger-557-2.tif, Trigger-557-3.tif" etc. for one camera, and "Trigger-558-1.tif, Trigger-558-2.tif, Trigger-558-3.tif" etc. for the other. Our goal is to get an orthophoto with two aligned image bands.
When importing the main folder in Metashape Pro 1.6.2 build 10247, we are given the option of importing as Multi-camera system, which is also what we want. Once imported but before any processing, the images are correctly paired in the Photos tab, and both cameras appear in Tools -> Camera Calibration. However, in Tools -> Set primary channel, or in Tools -> Set raster transform, only Band1 is available. This does not change after image processing (alignment, dense cloud, dem, orthophoto)
When processing the images and exporting as e.g. an orthophoto, we do get two bands in the output, but the second band is only a binary mask. The most recent version of Agisoft Photoscan Pro did not have this problem, and both bands were exported correctly. When using our Sequoia-camera with 5 bands, everything works as expected an we can get orthophotos with all bands in Metashape Pro. We have tried version 1.6.1 of Metashape Pro on both Linux and MacOS platforms, but the same problem is occurring.

Any ideas what the problem might be, or how to solve it?
Thanks in advance!
« Last Edit: May 26, 2020, 01:01:54 PM by andreaswestergaard »

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Multi-camera system only showing one band
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2020, 12:43:00 AM »
Hello andreaswestergaard,

Can you please check, that the Layer Index in the Tools Menu -> Camera Calibration dialog -> Bands tab has different value for Master and Slave cameras (like 0 and 1). If it is not the case, fix is manually and rebuild the orthomosaic.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC