Hello community!
I got a few problems/questions, I hope you can point me in the right direction...
I have flown a school area with the drone and did the whole reconstruction process with metashape,
so far so good.
Now the goal is, to visualize two variants of new chimneys in the model.
Those were modeled seperately and have also been textured seperately.
Question 1: Is it possible in Metashape to view more than one model at a time?
When I import another model, I can only switch to the chimney, but cannot view them together to check
if the imported model is at the right place/height.
I realized it is only possible to merge the models together, but then the textures of my chimney is destroyed.
Question 2: I want to visualize the results in Cesium using our company GIS software.
The Cesium implementation only works with tiled models (3D tiles). I tried to load my chimney model
and create a tiled model.... without success. Errormessage is: "Cannot calculate pixel size". Any hint on this?