Hi Alexey,
Thanks for the link. I saw that before and tried it. Unfortunately, it's returns me the same yaw/pitch/roll that I provided in, which is the rotation between the camera frame and local tangent plan.
In my test case, my camera is looking north, parallel to the ground, so YPR is about 0, 90, 0. But the rotation between the camera frame and the ECEF frame should be very different than that.
The link you said states : "how to calculate the exterior orientation parameters [...] in the georeferenced chunk". I tried setting the chunk CRS to EPSG 4978 (geocentric) to see if it makes a difference, but it doesn't. The returned R matrix is the same.
In the following line "R = (m * T * camera.transform * Metashape.Matrix().Diag([1, -1, -1, 1])).rotation()"
What is the meaning of m and the diagonal matrix ( 1,-1,-1, 1)?
If I remove m from this equation, wouldn't it give me the rotation matrix to ECEF?