I followed background masking each series (7) of turntable shots as defined by Alexey and got good results:
Processing Parameters
Cameras 201
Aligned cameras 201
Coordinate system Local Coordinates (m)
Rotation angles Yaw, Pitch, Roll
Point Cloud
Points 20,837 of 35,980
RMS reprojection error 0.085551 (0.232679 pix)
Max reprojection error 0.250751 (1.37016 pix)
Mean key point size 2.60344 pix
Point colors 3 bands, uint8
Key points 63.96 MB
Average tie point multiplicity 6.71643
Alignment parameters
Accuracy High
Generic preselection Yes
Reference preselection No
Key point limit 10,000
Tie point limit 5,000
Filter points by mask Yes
Mask tie points No
Guided image matching No
Adaptive camera model fitting Yes
Matching time 1 minutes 19 seconds
Matching memory usage 250.46 MB
Alignment time 2 minutes 51 seconds
Alignment memory usage 72.48 MB
Optimization parameters
Parameters f, b1, k1, p1, p2
Adaptive camera model fitting No
Optimization time 1 seconds
Software version
Depth Maps
Count 201
Depth maps generation parameters
Quality High
Filtering mode Mild
Processing time 31 minutes 57 seconds
Faces 29,066
Vertices 14,533
Vertex colors 3 bands, uint8
Texture 8,196 x 8,196, 4 bands, uint8
Depth maps generation parameters
Quality High
Filtering mode Mild
Processing time 31 minutes 57 seconds
Reconstruction parameters
Surface type Arbitrary
Source data Depth maps
Interpolation Enabled