Hi all,
I finally got a good result with following alignment parameters:
Alignment parameters
Accuracy High
Generic preselection Yes
Reference preselection Source
Key point limit 50,000
Tie point limit 5,000
Guided image matching No
Adaptive camera model fitting Yes
The trick, for me, was using adaptive camera fitting so that in initial alignment, f, cx and cy was not touched and then as James, I did gradual selection before final optimization with f, cx, cy, k1 to k3 and p1, p2....Also I reduced TiePt limit to 5 000 from 10 000.
But it is quite tricky to get a good result and I think with slow exposure time 1/640s. rolling shutter effect is quite great....
See attachement for result... Note that I also get quite a big error on GPS camera centers of 16 m.....