I know there are similar request, but I want to start a new one.
To create really nice Orthophotos, we tend to produce very large dense point clouds. (500 Mio. points and more)
When we have to export points to other companies for planning purposes, we often have the difficult
task to decimate the point cloud.
At the moment, this can only be done using third party software like CloudCompare or FME.
A tool directly in Metshape would be very convenient, even better would be a tool which uses several ways (algorithms)
to achieve the decimation, e.g. total number of points, space between points, and some smart algorithms to decimate points
at planar areas instead of curvy (high altitude changes) areas.
thx for considering this request for future builds, also keep up the great work!
Metashape is a fantastic and capable product!
best regards, Chris.