
Author Topic: Rename the folder that contains the files of Metashape subfolder files Question  (Read 2977 times)


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I do have a question for you...

So when you work on new project with Metashape, you create a folder in the Windows Explorer.

Then when you save your project ,for example, (Name).psx  --- Name of project..

So when you start working on your workflows etc...and then save the project...

My question to you is what happens if you decide to rename the folder 

Here is an example

If you are in Windows 10 -- Open Windows Explorer...

Then you name a project for each area

say Saint Peter's Dome..

So you create a new folder 

Saint Peters Dome   --- folder

--- SaintPetersDome.files    -------------------
----SaintPetersDome.psx     -----------------
----List                                    --------     
----image                                --------
----files                                   -----------------
----shapes                              ----------------------

so later on if you decide to rename the Saint Peters Dome at the Top and change to SaintDome

my questions will it affect the broken links if you rename the name of the folder at the top ?

Because one of the folder I am planning to rename the folder to something else so I don't know if it affects everyting inside the subfolder such as the .files and .psx

Your feedback is appreciate !

Alexey Pasumansky

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Hello PROBERT1968,

The name of the PSX file and corresponding .files directory should be identical for the same project. So if you would like for some reason to rename the .files folder, you should rename the corresponding PSX file accordingly.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Hi there,

Like Alexey said, you need to make sure the name of the .psx file and the .files folder (the one Agisoft creates automatically when you create a .psx file) are the same, otherwise the .psx file won't open.
That being said, changing the name of the parent folder will not matter at all. At worst, it will break the links to your photos. If you want to check the status of the links to your photos, just double-click on one of them within the .psx. If the name change went without a hitch, then all will be fine. If the name change broke the links, you will get a blurry photo and an error message. In that case, just right-click on a photo in the photo pane and select "Change Path...". From there, select the option you want (whether you want to update the path to just one photo, all the photos in the chunk, or all the photos) and navigate to where the photos are stored. This should fix all the broken links.
