
Author Topic: Low CPU/GPU usage in 1.6.3 making large ortho (AMD Threadripper 3960X)  (Read 6479 times)


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This might be better characterized as a utilization/optimization/performance report or a feature request.

My system is an AMD Threadripper 3960x, ASRock Creator mobo, 256GB RAM, 2x RTX 2080 Super GPUs.

I have a project with a DEM built on high at 802510 x 916747, maybe 5% data 95% nodata. When I build an ortho, at the first step, if I click "set up boundaries" the code runs at about 8% capacity on my Threadripper - 50% on one core and 100% on another (bouncing between 2 each running 100% or idle actually). My other 21 cores are idle and there's minimal disk activity. It takes about 20 minutes to estimate the tile boundaries (according to what it says in the log).

Estimated dimensions are 640558 x 1702318 (which seems too small given that the ortho is 2x the resolution of the DEM) and when I hit go it says it's going to take around 18 hours.

Then it goes back to "estimating tile boundaries" with three cores doing their thing but more jaggedly(screenshot attached). It looks like the first core (going at half-capacity) dips when the full-throttle hand-off occurs in the two cores going gangbusters. This happens for another 20 minutes, then usage goes up to a more acceptable level on all cores and the time starts dropping. Currently down to 12h, and looks like I'll end up in the ~8-10h range.

I am a little surprised at the overall CPU and HDD usage (second screenshot). I expected one of them to be the bottleneck, but it seems like possibly the code is. Only about half of the cores are running at full capacity, and the other half about 50%. Also data are only being written to drive around half the time.

oh, and GPU1 is going about 5%, GPU2 not at all. and only 8% of RAM is being used.

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Low CPU/GPU usage in 1.6.3 making large ortho (AMD Threadripper 3960X)
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2020, 03:52:13 PM »
Hello andyroo,

Have you checked, if these operations are working faster in 1.6.4 and better utilize CPU?
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Low CPU/GPU usage in 1.6.3 making large ortho (AMD Threadripper 3960X)
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2020, 09:01:06 AM »
I have similar issue, CPU 100% but duel RTX 2080 Supers 5% and 1% during GPU processes?
Read similar posts, everything activated, using GPU-Z etc

version 1.6.4 build 10928


Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Low CPU/GPU usage in 1.6.3 making large ortho (AMD Threadripper 3960X)
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2020, 05:46:40 PM »
Hello John,

Can you please provide the screenshot of the Metashape progress dialog (with the details section expanded) and GPU-Z monitoring GPU activity at the same time?
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Low CPU/GPU usage in 1.6.3 making large ortho (AMD Threadripper 3960X)
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2020, 03:52:28 AM »
Hi, sorry for the delay.
Can see GPU load 76% while generating depth maps (see s3b.jpg)  ;D


« Last Edit: October 09, 2020, 04:21:03 AM by jmos »

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Low CPU/GPU usage in 1.6.3 making large ortho (AMD Threadripper 3960X)
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2020, 12:42:36 PM »
Hello jmos,

in Windows 10 Task Monitor you should switch the graph to "Cuda" option.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC