As I can see from your formulae, you are calculating reflectances, which range by definition is in 0..1.
And very "bright" material like paper has reflectance about 0.9. Gray micasense CRP panel's reflectance is about 0.5 and as you can see it is still appears quite bright for an eye.
In the picture, you are looking at red channel reflectance of a grass field, which absorbs red light extremely well due to chlorophyl content. 0.1 in red is totally ok for grass.
Secondly, you are working within linear range (without gamma correction). Normally, RGB images are applied gamma 2.2 while being saved to JPG. Without gamma correction the image looks darker for human eye.
Thus the answer is: it is fine. The image would have been "brighter" if you had applied gamma and/or adjusted resulting image levels.