Hello once again,
I hope we'll be able to implement undistort functionality even for NA images in PhotoScan based on initial (or refined if available) calibration.
Currently it is possible to use the following script that saves the undistorted images to the user selected folder based on the user selected .xml file:
#Compatibility PhotoScan Pro 0.9.1
#No arguments required
import PhotoScan
doc = PhotoScan.app.document
chunk = doc.activeChunk
xml_path = PhotoScan.app.getOpenFileName("Please, select valid calibration xml file")
export_path = PhotoScan.app.getExistingDirectory("Please, specify the export folder")
PhotoScan.app.messageBox("Processing started.\nPress OK.")
calib = PhotoScan.Calibration()
for photo in chunk.photos:
label = photo.label
image = photo.image()
uimage = image.undistort(calib, True, True)
PhotoScan.app.messageBox("Processing finished.\nPress OK.")
print("Script finished")