
Author Topic: Optimising roll for camera stations  (Read 2990 times)


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Optimising roll for camera stations
« on: August 22, 2020, 09:23:11 AM »
HI. I'm trying to use Agisoft to align images for a single camera station where the roll is variable but the roll is always fixed at 0.  I noticed when exporting the Agisoft XML of the cameras that there appears to be a setting to enable roll. Is there any way to set this to true?

Code: [Select]
<camera id="0" sensor_id="1" label="DJI-0001">
          <reference x="144.960411945" y="-37.798632054999999" z="32.828000000000003" yaw="356.29999999999995" pitch="83.999999999999972" roll="-0" enabled="true" rotation_enabled="false"/>