If I export the sparce point cloud I get a sensible result, first few lines look like this
0.4533 0.8372 -2.5517 82 59 54
0.4743 0.8431 -2.5234 142 125 119
0.4728 0.8505 -2.5284 141 124 117
0.4890 0.8367 -2.5219 146 137 133
0.0657 0.8378 -2.6840 205 197 184
-0.0097 0.8394 -2.7019 198 188 175
etc etc
But if I export the dense point cloud, same model, I get seemingly incorrect values for z axis, first few lines
-0.8732 1.4543 -6356755.8168
-0.8827 1.4062 -6356755.8348
-0.8887 1.4715 -6356755.8116
-0.8870 1.4534 -6356755.8185
-0.8990 1.4234 -6356755.8288
-0.9016 1.4706 -6356755.8125
-0.9136 1.4397 -6356755.8219
-0.9127 1.4105 -6356755.8305
etc etc
What might be causing this?