My task is to generate point cloud from 2d image segmentation mask for a given object.
Following the post:, I am trying to solve it in the two following ways:
1. using chunk.point_cloud.pickPoint for each mask pixel:
chunk = doc.chunk
cam = chunk.cameras[0]
pt_img = Metashape.Vector([img_x, img_y])
pt_3d_picked = chunk.point_cloud.pickPoint(, cam.unproject(pt_img))
2. using depth map of the camera:
depth_map = chunk.depth_maps[cam]
undistorted_x, undistorted_y = depth_map.calibration.project(cam.calibration.unproject(pt_img))
depth_val = depth_map.image()[int(undistorted_x), int(undistorted_y)][0]
ray = cam.unproject(pt_img) -
ray /= ray.norm()
ray *= depth_val / cam.transform.inv().mulv(ray).z
pt_3d_dmap = + ray
Method 2 is preferable due to performance reasons.
For many points (approximately 50000 of 65000 in total) the following occurs:
- pickPoint in method 1 returns definite (not None) 3d point
- depth value returned in method 2 is zero, so the method becomes inapplicable
As far as I understand, this shoudn't happen, as pickPoint uses depth value to convert from 2d to 3d.
What am I doing wrong / misunderstand?
Points with nonzero depth calculated by method 2 correspond to results of method 1 quite well.