I experience the same problem with importing local geoid.
I follow every step as described in
https://agisoft.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000148332-how-to-use-height-above-geoid-for-the-coordinate-system - but with no success.
Problem describtion:
I am trying to import Lat/Long/Alt table with undulation values that is stored in TXT file (PL-KRON86-NH) and add this file as Vertical CS into ETRS89 / Poland CS2000 Zone 7 which is stored in Metashape coordinates system. My workflow is as follow:
1. Paste TXT file (Lat/Long/Alt) into C:\Program Files\Agisoft\Metashape Pro\geoids
2. Run Metashape -> Reference -> Reference Settings -> Coordinate System -> More... -> Select Coordinate System -> ETRS89 / Poland CS2000 Zone 7 -> Edit -> Edit CS Name -> Select Vertical CS -> Custom -> Add Name in Edit Coordinate System dialog -> Datum -> Add.. -> Select TXT file (PL-KRON86-NH)
3. In impot geoid parameters I select WGS-84 as geographic CS becouse of the values in TXT file. I also name Vertical datum as before ("PL-KRON86-NH") and select no data value as default.
4. Can't load geoid error.
So far I tried to solve this problem by:
- in step no. 3 select geographic CS as ETRS89 which correspondes to horizontal CS -> no success
- in QGIS reproject Lat/Long/Alt table to ETRS89 CS with X,Y values -> no success
I attach screenshots from Agisoft Metashape with all the parameters I enter during this process.
Geoid "PL-KRON86-NH" download link: