Whats is the workflow for laser scan import? Agisoft treats indiidual scans as cameras and tries to align them? Result can be seen in attatched image.
Hello geodesy,
Current approach is the following:
- prepare scans from terrestrial laser scanner in E57 format;
- open Metashape and use File Menu -> Import -> Import Laser Scans option and select all E57 files, specify the output folder where the converted files will be saved (which can be used later in other project without repeating the conversion operation);
- add common digital camera images (if any) for the same scene;
- run Align Photos operation as usual.
For the laser scanning data Metashape is using spherical panoramas for the image matching, which are captured by the scanner or the intensity map, if the scanner is not capable of saving spherical panoramas. Then during the dense cloud or mesh generation operation the photogrammetric depth maps are merged with the depth information coming from the laser scanner.