
Author Topic: 1.7.3 Possible save bug if disk full  (Read 4597 times)


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1.7.3 Possible save bug if disk full
« on: June 16, 2021, 11:26:50 PM »
I ran out of space on my work disk while saving a project, so I deleted some stuff unrelated to the project to make room, then tried re-saving. During the second attempt at saving I got an error that the file is being used by another process. I have no other instances of Metashape running. Guessing my only option is to save the entire project as another project.

 Full console errors below:

Code: [Select]
2021-06-16 10:46:56 SaveProject: path = D:/FloSup/FloSup_Align4d/FloSup_batch_2/optimize_tests/FloSup_4D_202008-202104.psx
2021-06-16 10:46:56 Saving project...
2021-06-16 10:52:11 Error: Can't write file: There is not enough space on the disk (112): D:/FloSup/FloSup_Align4d/FloSup_batch_2/optimize_tests/FloSup_4D_202008-202104.files/10/0/point_cloud/
2021-06-16 10:52:11 Error: Can't remove file: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process (32): D:/FloSup/FloSup_Align4d/FloSup_batch_2/optimize_tests/FloSup_4D_202008-202104.files/10/0/point_cloud/
2021-06-16 10:52:11 Finished processing in 314.97 sec (exit code 0)
2021-06-16 10:52:11 Error: Can't write file: There is not enough space on the disk (112): D:/FloSup/FloSup_Align4d/FloSup_batch_2/optimize_tests/FloSup_4D_202008-202104.files/10/0/point_cloud/
2021-06-16 13:11:10 SaveProject: path = D:/FloSup/FloSup_Align4d/FloSup_batch_2/optimize_tests/FloSup_4D_202008-202104.psx
2021-06-16 13:11:11 Saving project...
2021-06-16 13:16:20 Error: Can't remove file: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process (32): D:/FloSup/FloSup_Align4d/FloSup_batch_2/optimize_tests/FloSup_4D_202008-202104.files/10/0/point_cloud/
2021-06-16 13:16:20 Finished processing in 309.418 sec (exit code 0)
2021-06-16 13:16:20 Error: Can't replace file or directory: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process (32): D:/FloSup/FloSup_Align4d/FloSup_batch_2/optimize_tests/FloSup_4D_202008-202104.files/10/0/point_cloud/