
Author Topic: EXIF reads incorrectly  (Read 2988 times)


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EXIF reads incorrectly
« on: November 21, 2020, 06:17:21 AM »
I have drone images from p4rtk (where I did rtk). When I load those images into metashape they seem to read the reference positions correctly. But when I run ppk on the images, and then write the ppk position result to the exif of the images (a new image file.) And I can check that value with exiftool or in windows by properites / details and they both agree and match and match the ppk value I wanted. But when I load that new image file, the ppk one, metashape does not seem to read it correctly. The longitude field is still showing the old RTK value. For understanding this … assume I used an rtk base like 2 meters different than a ppk base value. The two images would have different reference positions, and they do. Exif tool sees the new position and so does windows. But metashape reads it wrong.

Maybe … there are two different places to pull gps from in an image? And I am only overwriting the exif. And metashape is reading it from a different field?

Anyhow something seems wrong. I tried to upload the two images, with different exif values, but that metashape does not read the difference and instead sees them both as same. byt the way the elevation field does change. Just not the longitude.

Maybe this is a bug or maybe my images are not written correctly? but if not, then why do I see the new ppk position in the image when I look with windows?


Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: EXIF reads incorrectly
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2020, 11:53:13 AM »
Hello geomaticist,

Can you please send the original and modified images to, so that we could check them? Also please specify, if you are observing the issue in the latest Metashape 1.6.5 release version.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC