I am having an issue where, when I <pg-down> through markers to place them - change the white flag to the green flag - by adjusting (left-click/drag) or accepting (right-click/place marker), they jump to a different position when i right-click/place. A few versions ago I was happy to see that right-click/place allowed me to place markers without adjusting where metashape "thinks" the marker is. But now that seems broken.
Screenshot of the behavior attached. the panels from left to right show (1) marker as metashape calculates positions (2) context menu when I right-click to place the marker, and (3) the marker where it ends up.
Note that when I right-click/place my cursor is right on the marker, but when I'm done the marker is about 1.5 pix below that (in this instance - distance and vector is variable).
Project is NAD83 HARN, cameras unreferenced, aligned, markers imported with coordinates, then manually placed. Transform updated (no optimization) periodically during marker placement.