Are there any plans to release a detailed manual for Metashape? I've been using it for several years now, and eventually figured out different tricks to get my photo alignments working out exactly as I'd like, but there are still so many features that are a complete mystery to me.
I would really appreciate an overly detailed manual describing every option available and things to consider when choosing them.
Some questions I have right now, with no idea how to solve them, for example:
1) When I add markers are control points between images, align photos, and the resulting Reference pane shows no lat/lng for many of my markers, what does this mean?
2) How does the accuracy option in "Align Photos" affect the results? I can't tell what exactly it does, recently I selected "Highest" (total errror 60m), "High" (total error 4m) "Medium/Low/Lowest" (total error 3m) and am not sure how to interpret this result
3) If adding manual markers, how badly can I mess up the results if I place them incorrectly? Huge issue, minor issue, etc?
4) Does splitting my data into smaller chunks first negatively affect the output, or can it be helpful? My dataset is usually long aerial transects and personally I found best results when splitting into smaller pieces, but I don't really understand why.
Etc... There are so many questions, based on not fully understanding how the program works. A very detailed manual would be an excellent resource to keep on the bookshelf! Thanks.