
Author Topic: "Protect region" tool?  (Read 4200 times)

Eric Baird

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"Protect region" tool?
« on: December 07, 2020, 01:49:58 AM »
... the idea of this would be to have an additional tool that works almost identically to the "select region" tool, but the "selected" points aren't selected for editing ... instead they change colour (to a different colour to "selected for edit" points and can't be selected for editing (until you alter the protect region).

The nice thing about having a protected block is that if you protected a building or a piece of ground, you could then delete a street sign without deleting the building behind it, or look down on the scene and delete the street sign from above without deleting the pavement beneath it.

Programmatically, the new tool would be a copy of the "select" tool, except that it works with a different point-set, and that in case of a point trying to appear in both sets, "protect" overrides "select".


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Re: "Protect region" tool?
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2020, 02:32:00 PM »
Or just a freeze selection? Select points or triangles and 'freeze' them, they cannot be selected until unfrozen.