
Author Topic: new to this field  (Read 10084 times)


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new to this field
« on: June 03, 2013, 03:58:02 PM »
good day all from not so sunny Melbourne Australia.

I am taking an interest in this product and its applications.  I saw Lee Perry-Smiths work and was amazed.  I asked him how he managed the hardware interface with so many cameras and he suggested i take a look at this forum.

So - can one of the experienced forum users tell me (or point me to topics that have already been posted on this forum) -

Multiple cameras need to come back to a single software program.  each 1 is a different source that provides an individual image so i dont think they can come back in through a single usb port to a single program  - or am i wrong?

i am stuck on how he managed the hardware interface.   Ive seen the 16 port usb hubs but im still unsure how the 16 images can come back through the 1 port at the same time. 

Does this software come with a feature that can actually manage these 16 simultaneous images from different devices?

So can anyone provide some information on how he did it.



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Re: new to this field
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2013, 06:17:24 PM »
Hello WGipps, its very problematic because you satureate USB 2.0 with aprox 6-8 devices so it start be unstable. Even with USB 3.0 it wil be problematic - but for this you need camera with USB 3.0 port.
For best stability and reliability is be?st to use 4 devices per USB port and 2 ports.....

If you plan to build fuulbody scanner its best when ask Lee for consultancy, because he has  B I G experience with a lot of devices, setups and technologies.... can save a lot of money because Lee can give a lot of hints what is good, what bad and what great for task like this.... as im have seen few setups last few months, people could save up to 10.000+ USD and have even better results...... 