Hi, i'm wondering if anyone can help with this? I have a more specific example.
I would like to use the xml to calculate the projection from a pixel in a 2d image (u, v) to a location in the point cloud (X, Y, Z). In the files i have, a specific example is getting from pixel (2521.209961, 2522.959961) in image DJI_0217 to point (105.63217, -10.47468, 243.83644). The xml files corresponding to this camera are at the bottom of this post.
I have found a post which i think outlines what i need to do
https://programmer.group/xml-interpretation-of-agisoft-photoscan-mateshape-camera-parameters.html . The equation they give is
I'm unsure what parameters below should be used for dx, dy. And also R - the rotation matrix. Should this be the transforms for the specific camera, or the chunk transform matrix? I've tried a number of different combinations using the example points, but can't get them to match. I've also tried in reverse to go from 3d to 2d, following this post
https://www.agisoft.com/forum/index.php?topic=6437.0, but again am unclear on where i'm going wrong with picking values from the xml. Any help would be very appreciated! Thanks for your time, sorry for the long post
for the calibration i have...
<calibration class="adjusted" type="frame">
<resolution height="3000" width="4000" />
for the specific camera mentioned in the example i have...
<camera id="215" label="DJI_0217" sensor_id="0">
<transform>-9.9845367866015977e-001 -4.7360369045444578e-002 2.9107507860923802e-002 2.0635994236918069e+000 -5.0010632995164908e-002 9.9389702762500165e-001 -9.8324132671528716e-002 -6.4615532779234619e-001 -2.4273198335146698e-002 -9.9627776859993980e-002 -9.9472866547642924e-001 -2.8160118158196525e-003 0 0 0 1</transform>
<rotation_covariance>8.4460505284871782e-006 -1.4902639446243033e-006 -1.1296027835376122e-008 -1.4902639446243037e-006 2.1520441968010174e-005 -6.9017167960388795e-007 -1.1296027835376149e-008 -6.9017167960388763e-007 5.7679957063865655e-006</rotation_covariance>
<location_covariance>1.2021170339207746e-003 -1.8157680112466801e-006 -1.3976334597317290e-005 -1.8157680112466801e-006 1.2033529966674376e-003 4.4792361160838019e-005 -1.3976334597317290e-005 4.4792361160838019e-005 2.0488157555429709e-003</location_covariance>
<reference enabled="true" x="105.632175972222" y="-10.4748751388889" z="313.197" />
the chunk transform is
<rotation locked="true">-8.1053840961487511e-001 -5.3146724142603119e-001 -2.4610984911212641e-001 -3.3158710760897486e-001 7.0029820158928557e-002 9.4082188237520392e-001 -4.8278098202653230e-001 8.4417912529244210e-001 -2.3298954443061240e-001</rotation>
<translation locked="true">-1.6902721015857060e+006 6.0408286681674914e+006 -1.1519789192598241e+006</translation>
<scale locked="true">1.0044411226433386e+001</scale>
which i understand can be made into a 4x4 tranform matrix by doing rotation times scale, and combining with translation, i.e to get
Matrix([[-8.141381100991113, -5.33827552626121, -2.4720285313576693, -1690272.101585706],
[-3.330597266208162, 0.7034083117894531, 9.45000187740369, 6040828.668167491],
[-4.8492507157758356, 8.479282283208121, -2.3402427957204432, -1151978.919259824],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])