
Author Topic: Network processing - AlignCameras.finalize ~24h with 82k cameras (1.6.5)  (Read 2039 times)


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I am wondering about the AlignCameras.finalize step in network processing. I see that it's limited to one node, and that if the node dies it has to restart the finalize step. I am wondering if ~24h for the finalize step is reasonable on Metashape 1.6.5 with ~82000 cameras (36 megapixel). I notice that this project has some "merging failed" messages, and it seems like a similar run (same project with different camera accuracies and no GCPs) finished much faster, but then I did have to restart this node ~20h in because the job expired. I also have two copies of the chunk in the same project, but I'm only operating on one of them.

Node is dual 18-core CPUs @ 2.3GHz with 376GB RAM
