Something must go wrong with the coordinate systems, I can't get the laser scans and cameras to cover.
My project consists of 5000 drone photos with PPK coordinates. In addition, 3000 photos were taken by hand, without coordinates. I imported the drone photos and the others, had them aligned and converted to UTM32. Then I created my own coordinate system, which only contains the last 4 coordinates of the UTM coordinates. Then 25 laser scans with the same coordinates (only the last 4 digits) were imported in the same coordinate system and the coordinates were set as calculated coordinates with your script.
Everything works perfectly, control points, which were determined in the photos (not reference Points), appear in the right place in the laser scans with gray symbols. But if I now determine a point in the laser scan, the coordinates deviate by 25 cm from the target coordinates. There are some differences in the coordinate systems that I cannot explain to myself.
If I unmark all photos as a reference and then press update, the coordinates are the same, when i Import a scan, run your script, den press update, the coordinates shift by the same amount and nothing matches any longer.
Even a convert in "Local Coordinate System" make no change.
I did a test with a smaller project.
1) Import photos with PPK coordinates
2) Calculation with the coordinates as control points
3) The result is correct, the error is 1 cm.
4) Conversion of the GPS coordinates to utm32
5) Reading in the scans with coordinates UTM32
6) Start your script
7) Everything seems ok, all coordinates are correct, points that were determined in the photos correspond graphically to the laser scans on the screen.

When I determine a point coordinate from the laser scans, the coordinates are NOT correct. When I click on update, all coordinates shift and nothing is right anymore.
How can I solve the problem?