Hi, everyone,
I've encountered similar challenges when I tried to export a 3D model from Metashape 1.7 in .kmz format. No matter which geographical and vertical CS I used, the vertical datum was always out of range. I made sure I always used the same CS for markers and cameras at every attempt, but it just didn't work. I followed Alexei's advice and got the following results.
1. Disable interpolation for mesh building: didn't work
2. Expand geoid: didn't work. I noticed that it is possible to edit the No Data area in the 'import geoid' pane, but this edit doesn't appear to get saved, no matter which geoid I import. I tried to edit that in the 'ToWGS84' pane too, but it didn't work either. I tried the EGM 96, NAVD88 and CGVD2013 to no avail.
Disclaimer: the only reference data for my model consists in a single georeferenced camera plus 2 control points I placed manually by estimating their position from Google Earth. Maybe my reference data just isn't precise or accurate enough for now.
Here are the coordinates of my reference data just in case:
Type Longitude Latitude Altitude(m) Altitude error(m)
Camera -111.394094 50.759816 695.059504 1.399042
Marker -111.394115 50.760669 668.559534 0.000001
Marker -111.393617 50.760367 670.559513 -0.000001
Alexandre Demers-Potvin