I am completely new to Agisoft and wonder if anyone could point me to the right direction.
I was given a set of about 100 photo images in CR2 format of a 15m tall totem pole which I wish to create a 3D mesh model from. I also have a registered set of laser data in .PTS format, but not color textured.
1) I suspect a variable zoom lens was used. Would Agisoft able to handle images of a variable focal length ?
2) I ran the Agisoft in demo mode using the menu layout workflow, i.e. import photos - > align photos -> build dense cloud etc. Agisoft was able to read and align the CR2 images, but I see the alignment yielded multiple group clusters. Is there way to manually create tie points on each photos or cluster groups to aid the alignment process ?
3) After alignment and dense cloud creation, is there a way to clean and edit the point clouds?
4) I also have a laser point cloud data set, that isn't color textured. Will Agisoft perform some sort of best geometrical fit and color texture the laser data ?
I appreciate for your help.
Thanks George