I have this error during textures generation on my model. Here is the console detail :
do you have any ideas ?
Is it a bug or should i reduce the polycount ?
Thanks !
Parameterizing texture atlas...
Model size: 196461271 faces, 98219395 vertices
Decimated to 1000000
Performing initial subdivision...
Division threshold 100000
chart 0 faces: 97663
chart 1 faces: 84181
chart 2 faces: 78613
chart 3 faces: 77074
chart 4 faces: 72911
chart 5 faces: 72035
chart 6 faces: 66696
chart 7 faces: 65985
done. (in 3.505 sec). Got 373 initial parts.
top 8 mean: 76894.8 stddev: 9681.93
Scaling charts...
done. (in 1.42 sec)
Concatenating charts...
done. (in 0.046 sec)
Parametrization contains 30152 charts
Pack iteration 0 ratio 0.525
Pack iteration 1 ratio 0.3875
Pack iteration 2 ratio 0.45625
Pack iteration 3 ratio 0.490625
Pack iteration 4 ratio 0.473437
done. (in 1667.53 sec)
Retrieving mesh
Parameterizing done in 2280.41 sec
Blending textures...
Found 1 GPUs in 0.147 sec (CUDA: 0.034 sec, OpenCL: 0.113 sec)
Using device: NVIDIA Quadro RTX 8000, 72 compute units, free memory: 47721/49152 MB, compute capability 7.5
driver/runtime CUDA: 11030/8000
max work group size 1024
max work item sizes [1024, 1024, 64]
got device properties in 0 sec, free memory in 21.68 sec
All cameras are fine
Initializing context...
Found device NVIDIA Quadro RTX 8000 driver version 1954725888, API version: 1.2.168, location 129::0
calculating mesh connectivity... done in 69.737 sec
Initialized texture renderer
Configuring pipeline...
Initialized memory broker
Configuring mosaic pipeline with outliers filtering
Constructed pipeline
Relaxed precision enabled
Collecting memory requests...
Allocating memory requests...
Estimated required video memory: 13297 MB
Estimated device memory: total 48708 MB, used 221 MB, available 47940 MB
Allocated 13319 MB of VRAM
Allocated memory requests
Configured pipeline
Processing cameras...
Loading mesh...
Cannot use GPU. Reason: VK Error : VkResult is "ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY" at line 12
Performing blending on CPU...
calculating mesh connectivity... done in 67.325 sec
detecting outliers...