Ahhh, do I love this thread? So much weird and fascinating stuff going on. Everyone is getting strange results. Now maybe, just maybe! Our own observation of tests, affects the observed reality

Quantum physics theory at computer software testing

Ok back to our strange stuff.
Spent some time installing and setting up Windows 7 just to run this tests and see if OS makes much difference. And here are some peculiar results:

Switching to Windows 7 did show some positive changes in speed. But, difference between 402 and 394 seconds is very low and I will neglect it, saying that there was no difference between two OS on this stage. However when I started playing with HP, weirdness came up. Not only it worked faster with HP off, it also performed 10% better under Windows 7. Although I think its only due to software issue
My conclusion is that OS doesn't matter that much, and I will stop my tests on this stage before I loose my mind. Clearly, and I hope you all will agree, we have a problem that affects Photoscan performance and its quite complex. Starting with OS and BIOS settings, ending with complex workstation hardware.
I hope in the future, we will see Photoscan that can optimize itself for best performance, based on the system hardware and OS. Feature request maybe!?
Also wish AgiTeam implements parallel chunk processing some time soon.