
Author Topic: Photoscan switch to Metashape with Nodes setup  (Read 2009 times)


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Photoscan switch to Metashape with Nodes setup
« on: April 30, 2021, 03:56:35 PM »
I have been working with Agisoft Photoscan (version 1.2.6) for a number of years.
Because I want to start implement RTK on our drones, I want to upgrade to the latest version, metashape.
We currently have a system with 5 nodes. We only make models of large areal projects, so processing on 1 pc is definitely not an option for us.

So my biggerst question is: Can the way of working with nodes that we have now stay intact when we upgrade to a new version of Agisoft (Metashape) so that it just works in the same way?

I am also very curious if there is a manual somewhere for working with RTK in metashape, this is completely new to me. I have not been able to find it on the forum.

How did you guys arrange the transition to the newer version for the processing of data with nodes?

Kind regard,


Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Photoscan switch to Metashape with Nodes setup
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2021, 02:28:54 PM »
Hello Giel,

The procedure of starting the network processing server and nodes, and submitting the tasks from the client GUI in 1.7 version is similar to 1.2 version.

However, for the past 5 years there were quite a lot of modifications of the processing algorithms and new features.

As for RTK GPS data, you may want to check the following tutorial which describes, how the measurement accuracy for the camera locations can be loaded from the image meta data, external CSV file (with the coordinate data) or manually input via Reference pane:
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC