
Author Topic: Difference between Add Marker and New Marker  (Read 4993 times)


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Difference between Add Marker and New Marker
« on: April 30, 2021, 11:30:26 AM »
Hi everyone,

I'm having difficulties to understand the difference between add marker and new marker-> place marker

I noticed that if you use add marker on a camera it create a marker with no coordinate, but if you do it on the model it create a marker with the model coordinate.

My typical workflow is
- Import georeferenced drone images
- Build tie point
- Add marker on the camera using new marker-> place marker (on my GCP target)
- Import the GCP coordinates
- Optimize model using only markers references

However I want to try to merge a chunk created with georeferenced drone images with another chunk created using a standard camera with no external references. I guess i can do it using marker, choosen on the overlapping parts of my two chunk.

But what type of marker should i use ?

Thank you


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Re: Difference between Add Marker and New Marker
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2021, 02:25:06 PM »
add marker tries to find something intersecting the projection ray that passes through the pixel and something else (mesh, dem, dense cloud) if that occurs, the marker will be created on the 3D space with source coordinates filled taken from the aforementioned source item.
place marker new, just creates one marker projection in the current photo (2D) source coordinates remain empty. The marker will become apparent in the 3D space once that you (or the program on its own means) place another projection of same marker on a different photo. but still the marker remains with empty source coordinates.
to align unreferenced chunk to a referenced one by markers shared between the two, you don't need source coordinates, so you can use whatever type of marker. what you should not allow it it to have "source" marker coordinates on the non-referenced chunk while having the marker checked in ref pane list (otherwise they would be in conflict with destination coordinates)

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Re: Difference between Add Marker and New Marker
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2021, 01:22:21 PM »
Thank you for your answer JMR, I better understand the difference :)