be careful if you apply your transformation to each camera, in case you already have point clouds present in the project. Then the point clouds would need to be recalculated as their internal position corresponds to original camera alignment. Changing your cameras position and orientation (camera.transform) you would need to reprocess the sparse point cloud using chunk.triangulatePoints() and regenerate the dense cloud. That is why it is preferable to apply transformation to local using the chunk transform without touching the camera transforms... Hope this is clear. As for Dem and Ortho maybe it could be posible to apply some 2d transformation to x,y grid (translation,rotation,scale) and a shift to each elevationn in case of DEM to get new products in local crs but that would have to be investigated....
I think that for example in case of DEM, it would be simpler to export the DEM (dsm.tif in example) in original grid CRS (UTM 30 N). And then with script in MS export to a Global Mapper transformation file (*.gm_xform) the 2D shift, scale and rotation parameters, Then in Global Mapper, open the dsm.tif file and with Shift - Transform Coordinates..., apply the transformation file to the dem. Then apply the elevation offset (-254.95 m) in Alter Elevation Values (Elevation options). Finally export as a GeoTiff but with Advanced: Don't write GeoTiff header option and with Generate world file option. You will then obtain a dem in local reference without GeoTiff header and with a world file (tfw)... Same procedure could be done with Ortho without need of course of altering elevation values. Probably also could be done in Qgis or with GDAL.... But of course, depending on the extent of your local/grid projects, it may be quicker just to regenerate DEMs/Orthos in local crs....