I am looking for hints and comments to resolve API script problem concerning a mesh model calculation from imported LAS point clouds.
The script slows down and hangs for days. There is no any error messages or crash downs. It just stops and CPU usage is all the time at 100%.
If there is something to control CPU during the process or other way out I would be glad.
However, the script succeeds when the LAS file is around 1 million points or less, but I need to calculate much bigger files (50M points).
Sometimes that happens too via GUI. More specified it will happen when decimating mesh step is started. It stucks when processing bar is 21%
Below my script and it stucks before UV baking process.
I tried to add "subdivide_task=True" but nothing happened.
chunk.buildModel(surface_type=Metashape.Arbitrary, interpolation=Metashape.EnabledInterpolation, vertex_colors=True, face_count=Metashape.MediumFaceCount, source_data=Metashape.DenseCloudData, volumetric_masks=False, keep_depth=True)
chunk.buildUV(mapping_mode=Metashape.AdaptiveOrthophotoMapping, page_count=1, texture_size=8192)
chunk.buildTexture(blending_mode=Metashape.DisabledBlending, texture_size=8192, texture_type=Metashape.Model.TextureType.DiffuseMap, source_model=chunk.models[0].key, transfer_texture=False)
PC specs:
-AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2920X 12-cores
-64BG RAM (memory test succeeded)
Thanks in advance,
pilot A