
Author Topic: Finer Control of Gradual Selection  (Read 3407 times)

Jedidiah Mitchell

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Finer Control of Gradual Selection
« on: February 09, 2022, 10:06:05 PM »
Is it possible we could get finer control over the Gradual Selection sliders, e.g enter a decimal value instead of an integer?

When working with large LIDAR meshes we're finding frequently that there are thousands of very small components but the difference between 0 to 1% of Connected Components when using the integer slider isn't precise enough to filter them out without capturing much larger areas we want to preserve. It would be great if we could type in something like 0.25% to get just the smallest components.

As an alternative / in addition to a decimal input, the Gradual Selection could affect only currently filtered polygons -- so we could do a Gradual Selection at 1%, Filter by Selection, then another Gradual Selection at 25% to get the equivalent of .25%, etc.

Either would work, but both together would really be helpful.
